#include <ui_customer.h>
◆ retranslateUi()
void Ui_customer::retranslateUi |
( |
QWidget * |
customer | ) |
inlineinherited |
◆ setupUi()
void Ui_customer::setupUi |
( |
QWidget * |
customer | ) |
inlineinherited |
◆ _accountingTab
QWidget* Ui_customer::_accountingTab |
inherited |
◆ _active
◆ _addressStack
QStackedWidget* Ui_customer::_addressStack |
inherited |
◆ _addressTab
◆ _allowFFBillto
◆ _allowFFShipto
◆ _aritemsButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_aritemsButton |
inherited |
◆ _aritemsPage
◆ _autoHoldOrders
◆ _autoUpdateStatus
◆ _backlog
◆ _backlogLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_backlogLit |
inherited |
◆ _backorders
◆ _billCntct
◆ _billingButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_billingButton |
inherited |
◆ _billingPage
◆ _blanketPos
◆ _cashreceiptsButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_cashreceiptsButton |
inherited |
◆ _cashreceiptsPage
QWidget* Ui_customer::_cashreceiptsPage |
inherited |
◆ _cc
◆ _cctransButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_cctransButton |
inherited |
◆ _cctransPage
◆ _characteristicsTab
QWidget* Ui_customer::_characteristicsTab |
inherited |
◆ _charass
◆ _charassPage
◆ _chartempl
◆ _charTemplatePage
QWidget* Ui_customer::_charTemplatePage |
inherited |
◆ _close
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_close |
inherited |
◆ _comments
◆ _commentsButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_commentsButton |
inherited |
◆ _commentsPage
QWidget* Ui_customer::_commentsPage |
inherited |
◆ _contactsButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_contactsButton |
inherited |
◆ _contactsPage
QWidget* Ui_customer::_contactsPage |
inherited |
◆ _corrCntct
◆ _correspButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_correspButton |
inherited |
◆ _correspondancePage
QWidget* Ui_customer::_correspondancePage |
inherited |
◆ _creditcardsButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_creditcardsButton |
inherited |
◆ _creditcardsPage
QWidget* Ui_customer::_creditcardsPage |
inherited |
◆ _creditGroup
◆ _creditLimit
◆ _creditLimitLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_creditLimitLit |
inherited |
◆ _creditRating
◆ _creditRatingLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_creditRatingLit |
inherited |
◆ _creditStatusGroup
◆ _crmacct
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_crmacct |
inherited |
◆ _crmStack
QStackedWidget* Ui_customer::_crmStack |
inherited |
◆ _crmTab
◆ _currency
◆ _currencyLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_currencyLit |
inherited |
◆ _custtype
◆ _custtypeLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_custtypeLit |
inherited |
◆ _defaultBOLFormatLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_defaultBOLFormatLit |
inherited |
◆ _defaultCommissionPrcnt
XLineEdit* Ui_customer::_defaultCommissionPrcnt |
inherited |
◆ _defaultCommPrcnt
QLabel* Ui_customer::_defaultCommPrcnt |
inherited |
◆ _defaultDiscountPrcnt
XLineEdit* Ui_customer::_defaultDiscountPrcnt |
inherited |
◆ _defaultDiscountPrcntLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_defaultDiscountPrcntLit |
inherited |
◆ _defaultGroup
◆ _defaultSaleType
◆ _defaultShipVia
QLabel* Ui_customer::_defaultShipVia |
inherited |
◆ _defaultTerms
QLabel* Ui_customer::_defaultTerms |
inherited |
◆ _deleteCC
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_deleteCC |
inherited |
◆ _deleteCharacteristic
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_deleteCharacteristic |
inherited |
◆ _deleteShipto
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_deleteShipto |
inherited |
◆ _documents
◆ _documentsTab
QWidget* Ui_customer::_documentsTab |
inherited |
◆ _downCC
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_downCC |
inherited |
◆ _editCC
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_editCC |
inherited |
◆ _editCharacteristic
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_editCharacteristic |
inherited |
◆ _editShipto
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_editShipto |
inherited |
◆ _exemptFinanceCharge
◆ _firstSaleDate
◆ _firstSaleDateLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_firstSaleDateLit |
inherited |
◆ _generalButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_generalButton |
inherited |
◆ _generalPage
◆ _graceDays
◆ _graceDaysLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_graceDaysLit |
inherited |
◆ _inGoodStanding
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_inGoodStanding |
inherited |
◆ _lastSaleDate
◆ _lastSaleDateLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_lastSaleDateLit |
inherited |
◆ _lastYearSales
XLabel* Ui_customer::_lastYearSales |
inherited |
◆ _lastYearSalesLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_lastYearSalesLit |
inherited |
◆ _lateBalance
XLabel* Ui_customer::_lateBalance |
inherited |
◆ _lateBalanceLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_lateBalanceLit |
inherited |
◆ _name
◆ _nameLit
◆ _newCC
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_newCC |
inherited |
◆ _newCharacteristic
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_newCharacteristic |
inherited |
◆ _newShipto
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_newShipto |
inherited |
◆ _notes
◆ _notesButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_notesButton |
inherited |
◆ _notesPage
◆ _number
◆ _numberLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_numberLit |
inherited |
◆ _onCreditHold
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_onCreditHold |
inherited |
◆ _onCreditWarning
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_onCreditWarning |
inherited |
◆ _openBalance
XLabel* Ui_customer::_openBalance |
inherited |
◆ _openBalanceLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_openBalanceLit |
inherited |
◆ _ordersButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_ordersButton |
inherited |
◆ _ordersPage
◆ _partialShipments
◆ _prcnt1Lit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_prcnt1Lit |
inherited |
◆ _prcnt2Lit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_prcnt2Lit |
inherited |
◆ _print
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_print |
inherited |
◆ _printShipto
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_printShipto |
inherited |
◆ _quotesButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_quotesButton |
inherited |
◆ _quotesPage
◆ _receivablesStack
QStackedWidget* Ui_customer::_receivablesStack |
inherited |
◆ _remarksStack
QStackedWidget* Ui_customer::_remarksStack |
inherited |
◆ _returnsButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_returnsButton |
inherited |
◆ _returnsPage
◆ _salesrep
◆ _salesrepLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_salesrepLit |
inherited |
◆ _salesStack
QStackedWidget* Ui_customer::_salesStack |
inherited |
◆ _salesTab
◆ _save
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_save |
inherited |
◆ _sellingWarehouse
◆ _sellingWarehouseLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_sellingWarehouseLit |
inherited |
◆ _settingsGroup
◆ _settingsStack
QStackedWidget* Ui_customer::_settingsStack |
inherited |
◆ _settingsTab
◆ _shipchrg
◆ _shipchrgLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_shipchrgLit |
inherited |
◆ _shipform
◆ _shipto
◆ _shiptoButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_shiptoButton |
inherited |
◆ _shiptoPage
◆ _shipvia
◆ _summaryButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_summaryButton |
inherited |
◆ _summaryPage
◆ _tab
QTabWidget* Ui_customer::_tab |
inherited |
◆ _tabRemarks
◆ _taskListButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_taskListButton |
inherited |
◆ _taskListPage
QWidget* Ui_customer::_taskListPage |
inherited |
◆ _taxButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_taxButton |
inherited |
◆ _taxExempt
◆ _taxExemptLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_taxExemptLit |
inherited |
◆ _taxPage
◆ _taxregLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_taxregLit |
inherited |
◆ _taxzone
◆ _taxzoneLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_taxzoneLit |
inherited |
◆ _terms
◆ _termsButton
QRadioButton* Ui_customer::_termsButton |
inherited |
◆ _termsPage
◆ _upCC
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_upCC |
inherited |
◆ _usesPOs
◆ _viewCC
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_viewCC |
inherited |
◆ _viewShipto
QPushButton* Ui_customer::_viewShipto |
inherited |
◆ _warnLate
◆ _widgetStack
QStackedWidget* Ui_customer::_widgetStack |
inherited |
◆ _ytdSales
XLabel* Ui_customer::_ytdSales |
inherited |
◆ _ytdSalesLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::_ytdSalesLit |
inherited |
◆ accountingButtonGroup
QButtonGroup* Ui_customer::accountingButtonGroup |
inherited |
◆ accountingButtonsSpacer
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::accountingButtonsSpacer |
inherited |
◆ crmButtonsSpacer
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::crmButtonsSpacer |
inherited |
◆ defaultSaleTypeLit
QLabel* Ui_customer::defaultSaleTypeLit |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout1
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout1 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout10
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout10 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout11
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout11 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout12
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout12 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout13
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout13 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout14
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout14 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout15
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout15 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout2
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout2 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout3
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout3 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout4
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout4 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout5
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout5 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout6
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout6 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout7
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout7 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout8
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout8 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout9
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout9 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_10
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_10 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_12
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_12 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_13
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_13 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_14
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_14 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_15
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_15 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_16
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_16 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_17
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_17 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_18
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_18 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_19
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_19 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_2
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_2 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_20
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_20 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_21
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_21 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_22
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_22 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_23
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_23 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_24
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_24 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_25
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_25 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_26
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_26 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_3
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_3 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_4
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_4 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_5
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_5 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_7
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_7 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_8
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_8 |
inherited |
◆ gridLayout_9
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::gridLayout_9 |
inherited |
◆ groupBox_2
◆ groupBox_3
◆ groupBox_4
◆ hboxLayout
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout1
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout1 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout10
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout10 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout11
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout11 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout12
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout12 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout13
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout13 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout14
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout14 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout15
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout15 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout16
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout16 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout17
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout17 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout18
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout18 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout19
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout19 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout2
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout2 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout20
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout20 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout21
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout21 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout22
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout22 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout23
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout23 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout3
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout3 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout4
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout4 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout5
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout5 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout6
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout6 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout7
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout7 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout8
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout8 |
inherited |
◆ hboxLayout9
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::hboxLayout9 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalLayout
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::horizontalLayout |
inherited |
◆ horizontalLayout_2
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::horizontalLayout_2 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalLayout_3
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::horizontalLayout_3 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalLayout_4
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::horizontalLayout_4 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalLayout_5
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::horizontalLayout_5 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalLayout_6
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::horizontalLayout_6 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalLayout_7
QHBoxLayout* Ui_customer::horizontalLayout_7 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalSpacer
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::horizontalSpacer |
inherited |
◆ horizontalSpacer_2
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::horizontalSpacer_2 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalSpacer_3
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::horizontalSpacer_3 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalSpacer_4
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::horizontalSpacer_4 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalSpacer_5
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::horizontalSpacer_5 |
inherited |
◆ horizontalSpacer_6
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::horizontalSpacer_6 |
inherited |
◆ remarksLayout
QGridLayout* Ui_customer::remarksLayout |
inherited |
◆ settingsButtonGroup
QButtonGroup* Ui_customer::settingsButtonGroup |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem1
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem1 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem10
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem10 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem11
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem11 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem12
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem12 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem13
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem13 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem14
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem14 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem15
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem15 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem16
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem16 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem17
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem17 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem18
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem18 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem19
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem19 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem2
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem2 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem20
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem20 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem21
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem21 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem22
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem22 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem23
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem23 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem24
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem24 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem25
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem25 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem26
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem26 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem27
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem27 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem28
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem28 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem29
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem29 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem3
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem3 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem30
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem30 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem31
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem31 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem32
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem32 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem33
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem33 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem34
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem34 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem35
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem35 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem4
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem4 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem5
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem5 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem6
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem6 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem7
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem7 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem8
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem8 |
inherited |
◆ spacerItem9
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::spacerItem9 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout1
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout1 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout10
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout10 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout2
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout2 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout3
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout3 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout4
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout4 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout5
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout5 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout6
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout6 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout7
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout7 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout8
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout8 |
inherited |
◆ vboxLayout9
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::vboxLayout9 |
inherited |
◆ verticalLayout
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::verticalLayout |
inherited |
◆ verticalLayout_2
QVBoxLayout* Ui_customer::verticalLayout_2 |
inherited |
◆ verticalSpacer
QSpacerItem* Ui_customer::verticalSpacer |
inherited |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: