Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CActionA convenience subclass of QAction for simplifying the association of menu items with icons, toolbar buttons, and hotkeys
 CAuthorizeDotNetProcessorThe implementation of Authorize.Net-specific credit card handling
 CConfigAuthorizeDotNetProcessorConfiguration UI for the Authorize.Net credit card processor
 CConfigCreditCardProcessorAn abstract class for showing and saving configuration information for a specific credit card processor
 CConfigCyberSourceProcessorConfiguration UI for the CyberSource credit card processor
 CconfigureCCThis is the master setup window for configuring the credit card subsystem
 CCreditCardProcessorThis is a generic class that defines the interface between xTuple ERP and credit card processing services
 CCyberSourceProcessorThe implementation of CyberSource-specific credit card handling
 CEditWatermarkIs for internal use only
 CExternalCCProcessorA simple interface for entering credit card transaction information manually
 CFileMoveSelectorThe FileMoveSelector provides a standardized user interface for selecting what the application should do with a file in the host file system after it has been processed
 CGUIClientThe GUIClient is the main xTuple ERP desktop client window
 CParameterWidgetThe ParameterWidget provides a consistent user and programming interface for managing query criteria
 CQIODeviceProtoThis class exposes the QIODevice class to Qt Scripting
 CQProcessProtoThis class exposes the QIODevice class to Qt Scripting
 CRecurrenceWidgetThe RecurrenceWidget gives the user a unified interface for telling the system how often certain events occur
 CScriptToolboxThe ScriptToolbox provides a collection of miscellaneous utility methods used when writing xTuple ERP extension scripts
 CSelectionWidgetWidget used to pick items from one list and add them to another
 CXCachedHashThe XCachedHash combines a templated QHash with a QObject that clears itself upon receipt of a specific database notification or set of notifications
 CXDocCopySetterThe XDocCopySetter gives the user a unified interface for telling the system how many copies of a particular document should be printed when it gets sent to a printer, what the watermark should be on the report, and whether the report should show prices or not
 CxTupleGuiClientInterfaceA concrete implementation of the GuiClientInterface allowing widgets to request services from the main application

Generated on Fri Apr 9 2021 xTuple ERP Programmer Reference, Version 6.0.0 doxygen 1.8.17