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CreditCardProcessor Class Reference

This is a generic class that defines the interface between xTuple ERP and credit card processing services. More...

#include <creditcardprocessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for CreditCardProcessor:
QObject AuthorizeDotNetProcessor CyberSourceProcessor ExternalCCProcessor PaymentechProcessor VerisignProcessor


class  FraudCheckResult

Public Types

enum  CCTransaction {
  Authorize, Reverse, Capture, Charge,
  Credit, Void
enum  FraudCheck {
  Match, NoMatch, NotAvail, Address,
  PostalCode, Name, NotProcessed, Invalid,
  ServiceUnavailable, IssuerNotCertified, Suspicious, Unsupported



Public Member Functions

virtual ~CreditCardProcessor ()
virtual int authorize (const int pccardid, const QString &pcvv, const double pamount, double ptax, bool ptaxexempt, double pfreight, double pduty, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid, QString preftype, int &prefid)
 Processes pre-authorization transactions. More...
bool blockSignals (bool block)
virtual int charge (const int pccardid, const QString &pcvv, const double pamount, const double ptax, const bool ptaxexempt, const double pfreight, const double pduty, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid, QString preftype, int &prefid)
 Processes charge transactions. More...
virtual int chargePreauthorized (const QString &pcvv, const double pamount, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid)
 Processes 'capture' transactions, or charges against a prior preauthorization. More...
const QObjectList & children () const
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const
virtual int credit (const int pccardid, const QString &pcvv, const double pamount, const double ptax, const bool ptaxexempt, const double pfreight, const double pduty, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid, QString preftype, int &prefid)
 Processes credit transactions. More...
virtual Q_INVOKABLE int defaultPort (bool=false)
 Return the default port expected by the subclass. More...
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QString defaultServer ()
 Return the default server expected by the subclass. More...
void deleteLater ()
void destroyed (QObject *obj)
bool disconnect (const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const
void dumpObjectInfo ()
void dumpObjectTree ()
QList< QByteArraydynamicPropertyNames () const
virtual bool event (QEvent *e)
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
findChild (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const
QList< T > findChildren (const QRegularExpression &re, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const
QList< T > findChildren (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const
QList< T > findChildren (const QRegExp &regExp, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const
virtual Q_INVOKABLE bool handlesChecks ()
 Returns whether the subclass handles checks. More...
virtual Q_INVOKABLE bool handlesCreditCards ()
 Returns whether the subclass handles credit cards. More...
bool inherits (const char *className) const
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
virtual Q_INVOKABLE bool isLive ()
 Returns whether credit card processing is configured in live mode. More...
virtual Q_INVOKABLE bool isTest ()
 Returns whether credit card processing is configured in test mode. More...
bool isWidgetType () const
bool isWindowType () const
void killTimer (int id)
virtual const QMetaObjectmetaObject () const
void moveToThread (QThread *targetThread)
QString objectName () const
void objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName)
QObjectparent () const
QVariant property (const char *name) const
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
virtual Q_INVOKABLE void reset ()
 Reset error handling internal settings so previous transactions don't interfere with new transactions. More...
virtual int reversePreauthorized (const double pamount, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid, QString preftype, int prefid)
 Reverse a preauthorization. More...
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
void setParent (QObject *parent)
bool setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value)
bool signalsBlocked () const
int startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)
virtual Q_INVOKABLE int testConfiguration ()
 Test whether common credit card processing configuration options are consistent. More...
QThreadthread () const
virtual int voidPrevious (int &)
 Processes void transactions. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Q_INVOKABLE ParameterList authorize (const ParameterList &)
 Processes pre-authorization transactions. More...
static Q_INVOKABLE bool certificateIsValid (const QSslCertificate *cert)
static Q_INVOKABLE ParameterList charge (const ParameterList &)
 Processes charge transactions. More...
static Q_INVOKABLE ParameterList chargePreauthorized (const ParameterList &)
 Captures preauthorized transactions. More...
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *context, Functor functor, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
static Q_INVOKABLE ParameterList credit (const ParameterList &)
 Processes credit transactions. More...
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method)
bool disconnect (const QMetaObject::Connection &connection)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method)
static Q_INVOKABLE QString errorMsg ()
 Returns the most recent error message set by CreditCardProcessor or one of its subclasses. More...
static Q_INVOKABLE QString errorMsg (const int)
 Returns the error message associated with the given pcode. More...
static Q_INVOKABLE CreditCardProcessorgetProcessor (const QString=QString())
 Get a new instance of a specific CreditCardProcessor subclass. More...
static Q_INVOKABLE int printReceipt (const int)
 Print the CCReceipt report for a credit card transaction. More...
QString tr (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)
QString trUtf8 (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)
static Q_INVOKABLE QString typeToCode (CCTransaction ptranstype)
static Q_INVOKABLE ParameterList voidPrevious (const ParameterList &)
 Processes void transactions. More...

Protected Slots

void sslErrors (const QList< QSslError > &errors)

Protected Member Functions

 CreditCardProcessor ()
 Construct and initialize a default CreditCardProcessor. More...
virtual FraudCheckResultavsCodeLookup (QChar pcode)
virtual QString buildURL (const QString, const QString, const bool)
 Construct a valid URL from the information in the configuration. More...
virtual int checkCreditCard (const int pccid, const QString &pcvv, QString &pccard_x)
 Check if the given credit card is consistent and active. More...
virtual int checkCreditCardProcessor ()
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
virtual void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
virtual FraudCheckResultcvvCodeLookup (QChar pcode)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
virtual int doAuthorize (const int pccardid, const QString &pcvv, double &pamount, const double ptax, const bool ptaxexempt, const double pfreight, const double pduty, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid, ParameterList &pparams)
 Placeholder for subclasses to override. More...
virtual int doCharge (const int pccardid, const QString &pcvv, const double pamount, const double ptax, const bool ptaxexempt, const double pfreight, const double pduty, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid, ParameterList &pparams)
 Placeholder for subclasses to override. More...
virtual int doChargePreauthorized (const int pccardid, const QString &pcvv, const double pamount, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid, ParameterList &pparams)
 Placeholder for subclasses to override. More...
virtual int doCredit (const int pccardid, const QString &pcvv, const double pamount, const double ptax, const bool ptaxexempt, const double pfreight, const double pduty, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid, ParameterList &pparams)
 Placeholder for subclasses to override. More...
virtual int doReversePreauthorized (const double pamount, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int pccpayid, ParameterList &pparams)
 Placeholder for subclasses to override. More...
virtual int doTestConfiguration ()
 Placeholder for subclasses to override. More...
virtual int doVoidPrevious (const int pccardid, const QString &pcvv, const double pamount, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, QString &papproval, int &pccpayid, ParameterList &pparams)
 Placeholder for subclasses to override. More...
virtual int fraudChecks ()
 Handle fraud checking as determined by the system configuration. More...
bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signal) const
int receivers (const char *signal) const
QObjectsender () const
int senderSignalIndex () const
virtual int sendViaHTTP (const QString &, QString &)
 Send an HTTP request to the configured credit card service and wait for its response. More...
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)
virtual int updateCCPay (int &, ParameterList &)
 Insert into or update the ccpay table based on parameters extracted from the credit card processing service' response to a transaction request. More...
virtual bool waitForHTTP ()
 Wait for the HTTP request sent by _manager to finish. Added for Qt5. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static double currToCurr (const int, const int, const double, int *=0)
 Convert between two currencies. More...

Protected Attributes

QList< FraudCheckResult * > _avsCodes
QString _company
QList< FraudCheckResult * > _cvvCodes
int _defaultLivePort
QString _defaultLiveServer
int _defaultTestPort
QString _defaultTestServer
QList< QPair< QString, QString > > _extraHeaders
QHttp * _http
bool _ignoreSslErrors
bool _passedAvs
bool _passedCvv
QString _pemfile
QString _plogin
QString _ppassword
QString _pport
QString _pserver

Static Protected Attributes

static QString _errorMsg
static QHash< int, QString_msgHash

Detailed Description

This is a generic class that defines the interface between xTuple ERP and credit card processing services.

CreditCardProcessor encapsulates the common functionality shared across different services, including interaction with the database server and the proper stored procedures to call.

It should be subclassed once for each credit card processing company to be supported. Subclasses should override the following methods:

Subclasses should also set

It is the subclass' responsibility to ensure that all of the configuration options available on the Credit Card Configuration window are implemented either here or in the subclass.

In addition to subclassing CreditCardProcessor, alternate credit card processing services require changing CreditCardProcessor::getProcessor and configureCC, and to subclass ConfigCreditCardProcessor. CreditCardProcessor::getProcessor must be modified to instantiate the right subclass of CreditCardProcessor based on the CCCompany metric or its QString argument. configureCC must be modified to store the service-specific CCCompany value checked by getProcessor and to instantiate a ConfigCreditCardProcessor, which allows editing and saving service-specific metrics

Error handling:

The following rules are followed by CreditCardProcessor, which also expects its subclasses to follow them. It is the subclass' responsibility to follow these conventions. If they are not followed, the database will not represent what really happened and the user will not be informed of problems.

Each method in CreditCardProcessor and its subclasses involved in processing credit card transactions is expected to return an integer conforming to the following pattern and set _errorMsg to the string associated with this integer in the _msgHash:

If the function returns:It means this:
greater than 0 The interaction with the credit card processing service was successful but either there is a warning from the service, like the credit card processing company denied the transaction, or local post-processing generated an error, such as a database failure
0 the transaction succeeded in its entirety
less than 0 preprocessing failed or the credit card company returned an error, like a malformed message or communications could not be established to process the transaction

Error codes between -100 and 100 inclusive are reserved for the CreditCardProcessor class itself. Values less than -100 or greater than 100 are available for use by subclasses and should be loaded into _msgHash in the subclass' constructor.

See also

expose portions of this in the scriptapi doxygen module

use qabstractmessagehandler instead of qmessagebox

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CreditCardProcessor::~CreditCardProcessor ( )
CreditCardProcessor::CreditCardProcessor ( )

Construct and initialize a default CreditCardProcessor.

This should never be called except by the constructor of a subclass. This should always be called by the constructor of a subclass. This constructor initializes _msgHash as well as some private and protected fields.

Member Function Documentation

int CreditCardProcessor::authorize ( const int  pccardid,
const QString pcvv,
const double  pamount,
double  ptax,
bool  ptaxexempt,
double  pfreight,
double  pduty,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int &  pccpayid,
QString  preftype,
int &  prefid 

Processes pre-authorization transactions.

This method performs application-level error checking and all of the database work required to handle a pre-authorization transaction. It calls doAuthorize to handle the direct communication with the service.

This method should never be overridden. Service-specific functionality should be implemented in the doAuthorize method of the service' subclass.
[in]pccardidThe internal id of the credit card to preauthorize
[in]pcvvThe CVV/CCV code of the credit card to preauthorize
[in]pamountThe total amount to preauthorize. If the credit card processor does not preauthorize the full amount requested, the database will store the actual amount that was authorized If this occurs, the application will display an error if the amount authorized is 0 or a warning if the amount authorized is greater than 0.
[in]ptaxThe subportion of the total which is tax
[in]ptaxexemptWhether or not this transaction is tax exempt
[in]pfreightThe subportion of the total which is freight
[in]pdutyThe subportion of the total which is customs duty
[in]pcurridThe currency of the amount to preauthorize
[in,out]pneworderThe order number associated with this preauthorization
[out]preforderThe reference number associated with this preauthorization (may be required to 'capture' the preauthorization)
[out]pccpayidThe ccpay_id of the record created by this transaction
[in]preftypeEither cohead or cashrcpt or blank
[in,out]prefidThe cashrcpt_id or cohead_id associated with this transaction
An index into _errMsg; 0 indicates success
ParameterList CreditCardProcessor::authorize ( const ParameterList &  pinput)

Processes pre-authorization transactions.

This version of authorize is intended for use by scripts. Instead of passing all of the arguments in order, this method allows creating a QtScript object and setting properties on this object by name. Then the script can pass this object to authorize(const int pccardid, const int pcvv, const double pamount, double ptax, bool ptaxexempt, double pfreight, double pduty, const int pcurrid, QString &pneworder, QString &preforder, int &pccpayid, QString preftype, int &prefid):

var params = new Object;
params.ccard_id = _ccardid;
params.cvv = _cvv.text;
var processor = toolbox.getProcessor();
var result = processor.authorize(params);
if (result.returnVal < 0)
// handle errors
else if (result.returnVal > 0)
// handle warnings
pinputThe parameter list to unpack and use to call authorize
A parameter list containing the output parameters, plus one called returnVal holding the return value of authorize
CreditCardProcessor::FraudCheckResult * CreditCardProcessor::avsCodeLookup ( QChar  pcode)
QString CreditCardProcessor::buildURL ( const QString  pserver,
const QString  pport,
const bool  pinclport 

Construct a valid URL from the information in the configuration.

Handle the case where someone leaves off a piece of the URL when entering the basic configuration. Note that a lot of people are used to typing in web browsers, which fill in some parts for them.

If the user did not enter values for the server or the port on the configuration, use the defaults provided by the service' subclass.

pserverUse this server, or the defaultServer if blank
pportUse this port, or the defaultPort if blank
pinclportFlag whether the port should be part of the constructed URL or not
See also
bool CreditCardProcessor::certificateIsValid ( const QSslCertificate cert)
int CreditCardProcessor::charge ( const int  pccardid,
const QString pcvv,
const double  pamount,
const double  ptax,
const bool  ptaxexempt,
const double  pfreight,
const double  pduty,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int &  pccpayid,
QString  preftype,
int &  prefid 

Processes charge transactions.

This method performs application-level error checking and all of the database work required to handle a credit card charge transaction. It calls doCharge to handle the direct communication with the service.

This method should never be overridden. Service-specific functionality should be implemented in the doCharge method of the service' subclass.
[in]pccardidThe internal id of the credit card to charge
[in]pcvvThe CVV/CCV code of the credit card to charge
[in]pamountThe total amount to charge
[in]ptaxThe subportion of the total which is tax
[in]ptaxexemptWhether or not this transaction is tax exempt
[in]pfreightThe subportion of the total which is freight
[in]pdutyThe subportion of the total which is customs duty
[in]pcurridThe currency of the amount to charge
[in,out]pneworderThe order number associated with this charge
[out]preforderThe reference number associated with this charge
[out]pccpayidThe ccpay_id of the record created by this transaction
[in]preftypeEither cohead or cashrcpt or blank
[in,out]prefidThe cashrcpt_id or cohead_id associated with this transaction
An index into _errMsg; 0 indicates success
ParameterList CreditCardProcessor::charge ( const ParameterList &  pinput)

Processes charge transactions.

This version of charge is intended for use by scripts. Instead of passing all of the arguments in order, this method allows creating a QtScript object and setting properties on this object by name. Then the script can pass this object to charge.

pinputThe parameter list to unpack and use to call charge
A parameter list containing the output parameters, plus one called returnVal holding the return value of charge
See also
authorize(const ParameterList &pinput)
int CreditCardProcessor::chargePreauthorized ( const QString pcvv,
const double  pamount,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int &  pccpayid 

Processes 'capture' transactions, or charges against a prior preauthorization.

This method performs application-level error checking and all of the database work required to 'capture' or complete the charge against a prior preauthorization. It calls doChargePreauthorized to handle the direct communication with the service.

This method should never be overridden. Service-specific functionality should be implemented in the doChargePreauthorized method of the service' subclass.
[in]pcvvThe CVV/CCV code of the credit card to charge
[in]pamountThe total amount to charge
[in]pcurridThe currency of the amount to charge
[in,out]pneworderThe order number associated with this charge
[in,out]preforderThe reference number (preforder) generated by the preauthorization transaction
[in,out]pccpayidWhen calling the method, pccpayid should be the ccpay_id of the preauthorization record. On return, this is the ccpay_id of the charge record, which may be the same as the preauthorization record.
An index into _errMsg; 0 indicates success
ParameterList CreditCardProcessor::chargePreauthorized ( const ParameterList &  pinput)

Captures preauthorized transactions.

This version of chargePreauthorized is intended for use by scripts. Instead of passing all of the arguments in order, this method allows creating a QtScript object and setting properties on this object by name. Then the script can pass this object to chargePreauthorized.

pinputThe parameter list to unpack and use to call chargePreauthorized
A parameter list containing the output parameters, plus one called returnVal holding the return value of chargePreauthorized
See also
authorize(const ParameterList &pinput)
int CreditCardProcessor::checkCreditCard ( const int  pccid,
const QString pcvv,
QString pccard_x 

Check if the given credit card is consistent and active.

This consistency check is used in a number of places before executing a credit card transaction. It confirms that the given card is marked as active in the system and has not expired. If the card has expired based on the expiration month and year, then it is marked as expired in the database. It also makes sure that the CVV has been entered if the system is configured to require it.

pccidThe ccard_id of the credit card to check
pcvvThe CVV from the card holder, -1 if not known, -2 if the caller knows it is not required or available (such as for void transactions).
[out]pccard_xThe credit card number, with most of the digits replaced with X. Used for reporting errors.
virtual int CreditCardProcessor::checkCreditCardProcessor ( )
int CreditCardProcessor::credit ( const int  pccardid,
const QString pcvv,
const double  pamount,
const double  ptax,
const bool  ptaxexempt,
const double  pfreight,
const double  pduty,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int &  pccpayid,
QString  preftype,
int &  prefid 

Processes credit transactions.

This method performs application-level error checking and all of the database work required to credit a prior charge. It calls doCredit to handle the direct communication with the service.

This method should never be overridden. Service-specific functionality should be implemented in the doCredit method of the service' subclass.
[in]pccardidThe internal id of the credit card to credit
[in]pcvvThe CVV/CCV code of the credit card to credit
[in]pamountThe total amount to credit
[in]ptaxThe subportion of the total which is tax
[in]ptaxexemptWhether or not this transaction is tax exempt
[in]pfreightThe subportion of the total which is freight
[in]pdutyThe subportion of the total which is customs duty
[in]pcurridThe currency of the amount to credit
[in,out]pneworderThe order number associated with this credit
[in,out]preforderThe reference number (preforder) generated by the charge transaction
[in,out]pccpayidWhen calling the method, pccpayid should be the ccpay_id of the original charge record. On return, this is the ccpay_id of the credit record.
[in]preftypeEither cohead or cashrcpt or blank
[in,out]prefidThe cashrcpt_id or cohead_id associated with this transaction
An index into _errMsg; 0 indicates success
ParameterList CreditCardProcessor::credit ( const ParameterList &  pinput)

Processes credit transactions.

This version of credit is intended for use by scripts. Instead of passing all of the arguments in order, this method allows creating a QtScript object and setting properties on this object by name. Then the script can pass this object to credit.

pinputThe parameter list to unpack and use to call credit
A parameter list containing the output parameters, plus one called returnVal holding the return value of credit
See also
authorize(const ParameterList &pinput)
double CreditCardProcessor::currToCurr ( const int  pfrom,
const int  pto,
const double  pamount,
int *  perror = 0 

Convert between two currencies.

This is slightly different than the version in the CurrDisplay widget because credit card processing has special error reporting needs.

pfromThe source currency
ptoThe destination currency
pamountThe value of the transaction in the source currency
[out]perrorThe CreditCardProcessor error code for a failed conversion
The value of the transaction in the destination currency
CreditCardProcessor::FraudCheckResult * CreditCardProcessor::cvvCodeLookup ( QChar  pcode)
int CreditCardProcessor::defaultPort ( bool  ptestmode = false)

Return the default port expected by the subclass.

This can differ depending on whether running in live or test mode. It is the subclass' responsibility to set both default ports.

QString CreditCardProcessor::defaultServer ( )

Return the default server expected by the subclass.

This can differ depending on whether running in live or test mode. It is the subclass' responsibility to set both default servers.

int CreditCardProcessor::doAuthorize ( const int  pccardid,
const QString pcvv,
double &  pamount,
const double  ptax,
const bool  ptaxexempt,
const double  pfreight,
const double  pduty,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int &  pccpayid,
ParameterList &  pParams 

Placeholder for subclasses to override.

See also

Reimplemented in CyberSourceProcessor, AuthorizeDotNetProcessor, PaymentechProcessor, and ExternalCCProcessor.

int CreditCardProcessor::doCharge ( const int  pccardid,
const QString pcvv,
const double  pamount,
const double  ptax,
const bool  ptaxexempt,
const double  pfreight,
const double  pduty,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int &  pccpayid,
ParameterList &  pParams 

Placeholder for subclasses to override.

See also

Reimplemented in CyberSourceProcessor, AuthorizeDotNetProcessor, PaymentechProcessor, and ExternalCCProcessor.

int CreditCardProcessor::doChargePreauthorized ( const int  pccardid,
const QString pcvv,
const double  pamount,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int &  pccpayid,
ParameterList &  pParams 

Placeholder for subclasses to override.

See also

Reimplemented in CyberSourceProcessor, AuthorizeDotNetProcessor, PaymentechProcessor, and ExternalCCProcessor.

int CreditCardProcessor::doCredit ( const int  pccardid,
const QString pcvv,
const double  pamount,
const double  ptax,
const bool  ptaxexempt,
const double  pfreight,
const double  pduty,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int &  pccpayid,
ParameterList &  pParams 

Placeholder for subclasses to override.

See also

Reimplemented in CyberSourceProcessor, AuthorizeDotNetProcessor, PaymentechProcessor, and ExternalCCProcessor.

int CreditCardProcessor::doReversePreauthorized ( const double  pamount,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int  pccpayid,
ParameterList &  pparams 

Placeholder for subclasses to override.

See also
int CreditCardProcessor::doTestConfiguration ( )

Placeholder for subclasses to override.

See also

Reimplemented in CyberSourceProcessor, AuthorizeDotNetProcessor, PaymentechProcessor, and VerisignProcessor.

int CreditCardProcessor::doVoidPrevious ( const int  pccardid,
const QString pcvv,
const double  pamount,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
QString papproval,
int &  pccpayid,
ParameterList &  pParams 

Placeholder for subclasses to override.

See also

Reimplemented in CyberSourceProcessor, AuthorizeDotNetProcessor, PaymentechProcessor, and ExternalCCProcessor.

QString CreditCardProcessor::errorMsg ( )

Returns the most recent error message set by CreditCardProcessor or one of its subclasses.

QString CreditCardProcessor::errorMsg ( const int  pcode)

Returns the error message associated with the given pcode.

int CreditCardProcessor::fraudChecks ( )

Handle fraud checking as determined by the system configuration.

CreditCardProcessor * CreditCardProcessor::getProcessor ( const QString  pcompany = QString())

Get a new instance of a specific CreditCardProcessor subclass.

This method is used to retrieve a CreditCardProcessor for actual use by the application, rather than calling CreditCardProcessor::CreditCardProcessor.

getProcessor retrieves the right subclass for the current configuration.

pcompanyThis causes the method to instantiate the subclass for the named service, rather than the configured service. pcompany should be an empty string except when checking for errors in configCC
An instance of a CreditCardProcessor subclass
See also
bool CreditCardProcessor::handlesChecks ( )

Returns whether the subclass handles checks.

bool CreditCardProcessor::handlesCreditCards ( )

Returns whether the subclass handles credit cards.

Reimplemented in CyberSourceProcessor, AuthorizeDotNetProcessor, PaymentechProcessor, and ExternalCCProcessor.

bool CreditCardProcessor::isLive ( )

Returns whether credit card processing is configured in live mode.

bool CreditCardProcessor::isTest ( )

Returns whether credit card processing is configured in test mode.

int CreditCardProcessor::printReceipt ( const int  pccpayid)

Print the CCReceipt report for a credit card transaction.

pccpayidThe internal id of the transaction for which to print the receipt
void CreditCardProcessor::reset ( )

Reset error handling internal settings so previous transactions don't interfere with new transactions.

int CreditCardProcessor::reversePreauthorized ( const double  pamount,
const int  pcurrid,
QString pneworder,
QString preforder,
int &  pccpayid,
QString  preftype,
int  prefid 

Reverse a preauthorization.

This method performs application-level error checking and all of the database work required to reverse a prior preauthorization. This makes available to the card holder the funds that have been reserved by that preauthorization.

This method should never be overridden. Service-specific functionality should be implemented in the doReversePreauthorized method of the service' subclass.
pamountThe amount to be reversed, not necessarily the same as the amount originally authorized.
pcurridThe currency of the amount.
pneworderThe order number associated with the preauthorization
preforderThe reference number (preforder) generated by the preauthorization transaction
pccpayidThe internal id of the preauthorization transaction
preftypeEither cohead or cashrcpt or blank
prefidThe cashrcpt_id or cohead_id associated with the preauthorization transaction
An index into _errMsg; 0 indicates success
int CreditCardProcessor::sendViaHTTP ( const QString prequest,
QString presponse 

Send an HTTP request to the configured credit card service and wait for its response.

This method is intended to be called by subclasses of CreditCardProcessor. It sends a message to the service using HTTP or HTTPS, as set by the configuration, and waits for a response. If necessary it applies a local certificate for bidirectional encryption.

It is the caller's responsibility to format an appropriate message and decode the response.

[in]prequestThe string to send via HTTP
[out]presponseThe string returned by the service
void CreditCardProcessor::sslErrors ( const QList< QSslError > &  errors)
int CreditCardProcessor::testConfiguration ( )

Test whether common credit card processing configuration options are consistent.

Calls toTestConfiguration to check if service-specific options are set.

Reimplemented in ExternalCCProcessor.

QString CreditCardProcessor::typeToCode ( CCTransaction  ptranstype)
int CreditCardProcessor::updateCCPay ( int &  pccpayid,
ParameterList &  pparams 

Insert into or update the ccpay table based on parameters extracted from the credit card processing service' response to a transaction request.

document the parameter names and expected values to help subclassers
int CreditCardProcessor::voidPrevious ( int &  pccpayid)

Processes void transactions.

This method performs application-level error checking and all of the database work required to void a prior transaction. It calls doVoid to handle the direct communication with the service.

This method should never be overridden. Service-specific functionality should be implemented in the doVoid method of the service' subclass.
pccpayidThis should be the ccpay_id of the original transaction record.
An index into _errMsg; 0 indicates success
ParameterList CreditCardProcessor::voidPrevious ( const ParameterList &  pinput)

Processes void transactions.

This version of voidPrevious is intended for use by scripts. Instead of passing all of the arguments in order, this method allows creating a QtScript object and setting properties on this object by name. Then the script can pass this object to voidPrevious.

pinputThe parameter list to unpack and use to call voidPrevious
A parameter list containing the output parameters, plus one called returnVal holding the return value of voidPrevious
See also
authorize(const ParameterList &pinput)
bool CreditCardProcessor::waitForHTTP ( )

Wait for the HTTP request sent by _manager to finish. Added for Qt5.

Add a timeout parameter and return false if it is exceeded.

Member Data Documentation

QList<FraudCheckResult*> CreditCardProcessor::_avsCodes
QString CreditCardProcessor::_company
QList<FraudCheckResult*> CreditCardProcessor::_cvvCodes
int CreditCardProcessor::_defaultLivePort
QString CreditCardProcessor::_defaultLiveServer
int CreditCardProcessor::_defaultTestPort
QString CreditCardProcessor::_defaultTestServer
QString CreditCardProcessor::_errorMsg
QList<QPair<QString, QString> > CreditCardProcessor::_extraHeaders
QHttp* CreditCardProcessor::_http
bool CreditCardProcessor::_ignoreSslErrors
QHash< int, QString > CreditCardProcessor::_msgHash
bool CreditCardProcessor::_passedAvs
bool CreditCardProcessor::_passedCvv
QString CreditCardProcessor::_pemfile
QString CreditCardProcessor::_plogin
QString CreditCardProcessor::_ppassword
QString CreditCardProcessor::_pport
QString CreditCardProcessor::_pserver

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Generated on Fri Aug 11 2017 xTuple ERP Programmer Reference, Version 4.11.0 doxygen 1.8.10