Class: Completer

XV. Completer

Renders a list of items that can be selected from a menu.
Used to create the autocomplete list for XV.Combobox.
Derived from onyx.Picker.
Note: Each item in the list is an onyx.MenuItem, so an onSelect event with the item can be listened to by a client application to determine which picker item was selected.

new Completer()



  • onyx.Picker



Unfortunately this is a copy of code from menu. It makes adjustments to account for the height of the completer widget so the menu doesn't cover over typing area.

buildList(key, value, models, sidecarKey)

Name Type Description
key String The name of the attribute that we're going to display
value String The value of the input box that we use to filter the results
models Array All the models
sidecarKey String We allow a second attribute to be shown in the dropdown that is not part of the input field.