Todo List
Member _evaluation
Determine if this is still useful and possibly remove.
Member _hotkeyList
Make this static or a private member of GUIClient?
Member _splash
Make this static, hence internal to guiclient.cpp ?
Class Action
Add support for @name:mode - call name::userHasPriv(mode)
Class CreditCardProcessor

expose portions of this in the scriptapi doxygen module

use qabstractmessagehandler instead of qmessagebox

Member CreditCardProcessor::updateCCPay (int &, ParameterList &)
document the parameter names and expected values to help subclassers
Member customer::mode () const
change possible modes to an enum in guiclient.h (and add cUnknown?)
Group Data Update Slots
Replace the explicit C++ slot connections with Postgres notifications?
Member GUIClient::handleNewWindow (QWidget *, Qt::WindowModality=Qt::NonModal, bool forceFloat=false)
Document all of the ways to open windows and when to use them.
Member GUIClient::sEmitNotifyHeard (const QString &note)
make this emit messageNotify when notifications other than testNote and messagePosted occur
Member GUIClient::sTick ()

Handle aborted transactions more intelligently.

Make the check for lost database connections more intelligent.

If the database connection really is gone, try to reconnect.

Member prospect::mode () const
change possible modes to an enum in guiclient.h (and add cUnknown?)
Member QSqlDatabasetoScriptValue (QScriptEngine *engine, QSqlDatabase const &item)

implement QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(QSqlDriver*, const QString &connectionName)

implement QSqlDatabase::registerSqlDriver(const QString &, QSqlDriverCreatorBase *)

Class RecurrenceWidget
Simplify this so the developer of a new recurring item/event doesn't have to work so hard. There should be a way to (1) have the recurrence widget update the [tablename]_recurring_[tablename]_id column when saving the recurrence (this would save a couple of lines) and (2) there should be a way to simplify or eliminate the code in the DELETE triggers. Some of this stuff really belongs in an AFTER trigger instead of a before trigger.
Member salesOrder::modeState () const
change possible modes to an enum in guiclient.h (and add cUnknown?)
Member salesRep::mode () const
change possible modes to an enum in guiclient.h (and add cUnknown?)
Member ScriptToolbox::coreDisconnect (QObject *sender, const QString &signal, QObject *receiver, const QString &method)
Add an example to sample_scripts
Class VerisignProcessor
Finish implementing this
Member XAbstractConfigure::XAbstractConfigure (QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags f=0)
Find a way for scripts to return failures so they also can handle errors during saving.

Generated on Mon Dec 1 2014 xTuple ERP Programmer Reference, Version 4.8.0 doxygen 1.8.7