* This file is part of the xTuple ERP: PostBooks Edition, a free and
* open source Enterprise Resource Planning software suite,
* Copyright (c) 1999-2012 by OpenMFG LLC, d/b/a xTuple.
* It is licensed to you under the Common Public Attribution License
* version 1.0, the full text of which (including xTuple-specific Exhibits)
* is available at www.xtuple.com/CPAL. By using this software, you agree
* to be bound by its terms.
/* This example shows how to add a button, position it in an existing
window, and do something interesting when a user clicks on it.
In this case, the 'something interesting' is expand or collapse
indented data in a Display window. These are the application windows
usually found under xTuple ERP's Report submenus.
// The Display class in the C++ app has a method to get its XTreeWidget
var _list = mywindow.list();
/* The sExpand() and sCollapse() functions allow us to do more than
just expand and collapse the lists if we want to.
function sExpand()
function sCollapse()
// Create two QPushButton objects that belong to the window.
var _expand = toolbox.createWidget("QPushButton", mywindow, "_expand");
var _collapse = toolbox.createWidget("QPushButton", mywindow, "_collapse");
/* Set the text of those buttons.
qsTr allows the text to be translated while the & creates a hotkey
that can be used to click the button from the keyboard.
_expand.text = qsTr("E&xpand All");
_collapse.text = qsTr("C&ollapse All");
// To position the new buttons, first find the layout container that holds _list
var _layout = toolbox.widgetGetLayout(_list);
/* _layout happens to be a QGridLayout and _list is in row 2, column 0. To put
_expand and _collapse under _list, we place them in rows 3 and 4, col 0.
_layout.addWidget(_expand, 3, 0);
_layout.addWidget(_collapse, 4, 0);

Generated on Fri Aug 11 2017 xTuple ERP Programmer Reference, Version 4.11.0 doxygen 1.8.10