LotSerialUtils Member List

This is the complete list of members for LotSerialUtils, including all inherited members.

addCharsToTreeWidget(QTreeWidget *tree, int ls_numberColumn, int numInitialColums, bool repopulate)LotSerialUtilsstatic
addLotCharsToGridLayout(QWidget *parent, QGridLayout *layout, const LotSerialUtils &lsChars)LotSerialUtilsstatic
getLotCharIds() const LotSerialUtils
getLotCharNames() const LotSerialUtils
getLotCharTypes() const LotSerialUtils
numLotChars() const LotSerialUtils
setParams(ParameterList &params)LotSerialUtils
updateLotCharacteristics(int ls_id, const QList< QWidget * > &widgets) const LotSerialUtils

Generated on Fri Aug 11 2017 xTuple ERP Programmer Reference, Version 4.11.0 doxygen 1.8.10